I think the guy that brought my breakfast told me off for the table I was
using. He said something, thankfully my amazing Shure SE215 isolating earphones
blocked all of the sound out. I have a reason to be ignorant. I am sitting in a
bar place, but I bought food so I could sit at a sensible height and type.
I figure the main purpose of airport seating is to stop you complaining and to
keep you awake. The lack of somewhere to sit your laptop and type like a normal
human is infuriating.
This coffee isn't even good.
Nemesis Games, Or Nothing
And by nothing I mean I don't think I will get any more reading done this year.
Weather is getting cold, the storms have been beating the house.
Time to leave for somewhere, well somewhere not warmer, just different. Packing
for congress was made much harder by ridiculous shipping regulations, an extra
couple of bottles in my bag are worth it for the fun of a buckfast party night.
The pico projector was one of the first victims in the packing war, having
spent more time with this projector I don't think it is going to be a big loss.
I still have the udp panel and the slowtv project, with the lightning talk I
probably have enough details to worry about at congress..
Nemesis Games
For development of the RSS IRC bot I need an RSS feed that updates frequently,
I could subscribe to a HN feed or something from reddit. I did a quick search
for something high speed and found a SO thread][1] with exactly what I need.
The linked heroku app
can provide a feed updating at any interval you
want. Turns out this is great for soak testing code over night.
Nemesis Games
For a long while I have wanted a bot to sit in irc channels spitting out
updates on rss feeds. I Think I have finally found all the pieces I need to
write a bot in the way I like.
I have written up a really simple IRC client on top of asyncio, but it needs
much more testing than a day of dev. I want to have ssl running before I try
and run the bot against anything.
The RSS code is much simplier:
import aiohttp
import asyncio
import async_timeout
import feedparser
import pprint
async def fetch(session, url):
with async_timeout.timeout(10):
async with session.get(url) as response:
return await response.text()
async def fetchfeeds(loop, feedurls, ircsock):
last_entry = None
feeds = []
for url in feedurls:
feeds.append({'url':url, 'last':""})
while True:
for feed in feeds:
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=loop) as session:
html = await fetch(session, feed['url'])
rss = feedparser.parse(html)
if feed['last']:
if feed['last']['title'] != rss['entries'][0]['title'] and feed['last']['link'] != rss['entries'][0]['link']:
print("new entry")
feed['last'] = rss['entries'][0]
print("MSG {}".format(feed['last']['title']))
print("MSG {}".format(feed['last']['link']))
feed['last'] = rss['entries'][0]
await asyncio.sleep(INTERVAL)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
loop.run_until_complete(fetchfeeds(loop, ['https://n-o-d-e.net/rss/rss.xml',
"http://localhost:8000/rss.xml"], None))
This is really only a proof of concept, there needs to be much more error
handling before I would expect this to run for long.
Nemesis Games
Checking the FOSDEM instance of the terrible pentabarf submission system I see
that my second talk proposal to a devroom has been accepted. I think, they
haven't timetabled the room yet so I can't link to a timetable slot for the
I have three talks coming up:
33C3 Lightning Talk
FOSDEM BSD devroom talk
FOSDEM Real Time Communications devroom Talk
All three of these talks are going to tell the same story, laid out in
different ways: The Internet is Broken, Fixes are hard to deploy, Developers
won't use new protocols, We have a solution.
The changes that are happening in the internet right now are really
interesting, but it is really hard to get over the knowledge curve required for
the solutions to make sense. It is really common to hear, "The Internet works
fine, why are you trying to fix it", from people that really should know
If you want to find out the what and why that is internet transport evolution
you should find one of these talks and watch it. Hopefully they will all be
recorded and online after the events.
If you want to know more you can email or track me down in IRC.
Nemesis Games