Coding Sunday
The tortoise needs an improved heating setup, now have a 'night time' buld that just puts out heat. Before I change anything I want to have numbers so I can try and quantify the change.
I knocked up a micropython script and ran it on a nodemcu board with a couple of dht11's. It looks like this:
def temperatureclient(sensors,addr=""):
print(" sending to: {} {} every {} seconds"
.format(addr , PORT, DELAY))
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
while True:
pkt = takereading(sensors)
sock.sendto(pkt, (addr, PORT))
def takereading(sensors):
readings = []
for sensor in sensors:
reading = {}
reading["sensor"] = str(
reading["pin"] = str(
reading["temp"] = sensor.temperature()
reading["humditiy"] = sensor.humidity()
return json.dumps(readings)
It doesn't have to live for long, just a day or two.
The always on machine on my network doesn't seem to have anything useful installed and without internet at home that wasn't going to be a simple fix. Instead I used tcpdump to capture the json packets.
Tcpdump works really well in this situation, the micopython board doesn't have a RTC, but the pcap from tcpdump will have acurate timestamps for each field. I did something like:
$ tcpdump -w tempreadings.pcap udp and port 6969
Later I can process this out with a shell script or scapy or something.
It is Sunday, so that makes seven days of writing .
Reading: Butter from my Feed Reader