campgnd 2018

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Scotland's first Hacker camp.                            `--|_,`'

One of the campgnds I used the tag line 'it happened again!'. It keeps happening and people are still upset about that year we missed. At this point it is easier to keep doing it.

campgnd is the annual camping trip for the hackerspace . We take 10-20 people off into a remote field build up an unreasonable shanty town of tents, feed it with power and data and let our minds go.

I love campgnd, it is a chance to escape and an opportunity to test out Village for visiting larger camps around Europe. Getting away and going somewhere is a great way to increase focus, if camping isn't your thing then taking your hackerspace to a makerfaire is a great way to focus on getting projects ready to show.

It seems we are already planning campgnd 2019, if you want to join the madness drop into #scottishconsulate on freenode and ask.