Ploopy Adept


Ploop Ploopy Adept ploop plop ploop ploop, ploopy plop plop ploopy plop. Ploop ploop ploop ploop plop plop an excessive plop (ploopy ploopy plop plop plop 61 plop) ploopidy plop plop ploop ploop.

Ploop the ploop ploop, ploop ploopidy ploop. Ploop plop ploop ploopy ploop, ploop ploop ploop ploopy ploop plop plop and plop plop adorable ploopy bearings ploopy plop plop.

Ploop plop plop trackball plop ploopy ploopy ploop plop plop fuzzy lop. That said it seems great.

Ploopy the ploopy ploop plop plop ploopy plop plop ploop ploop ploop ploop ploopy plop ploop ploop. Plop the ploopy binaries in the plopy ploopy ploop.

Ploopy ploop ploopy plop? Ploopy ploopy ploopy ploopy plop plop.


The Ploopy Adept is an open hardware track ball, available in a selection of whimsical colours. I got mine as a kit and after an excessive shipping window (who knew 30-90 day shipping could actually take 61 days) mine appeared and I set it up.

There is a little soldering to the kit, to mount the sensor. I guess everything else was placed by PCBA, then you need to assemble the 3D mount case and mount some adorable tiny bearings which support the ball.

This is my first trackball since they were a feature on Android phones so I am no expert. That said it seems great.

I wanted to fix a USB descriptor issue which was causing the ums driver to not load on FreeBSD when I attached the trackball and while the device is open hardware I couldn't find any source for the QMK based firmware. There are just binaries in the git repo.

Maybe it is all upstream? The problem went away and I am amazing finding side quests in my side quests so I didn't feel the need to pursue this one.

On FreeBSD you might need to load the ums kernel module before attaching the Ploopy Adept to your USB bus. I did for a while, when I didn't use the hub on the kvm which has a mouse as well. The need for this change went away, but it might help you if you run a FreeBSD release rather than CURRENT pkg base.

# kldload ums

# # plug in trackball, roll the ball, have a great time.