Happy Hackmas from 57North
We have two old Black and White CRT monitors in the hackerspace, they look really cool. I put together a Card and gif for the holidays:
I used a raspberry pi running FreeBSD for each monitor. The bottom monitor is running aafire which gives a nice fireplace effect. I did some big text in figlet for the message.
I also put together a paper card by using the gcard package in latex to put together some cards. This relies on double sided printing to get the message inside the cards. It was a bit of trouble(I had to trim the cards down), but the cards came out quite well for an hours work.
Card Outside
\setmainfont{Ubuntu Light}
\makebox[0pt]{\includegraphics[width = .5\paperwidth, height=13.9cm]{card.jpg}}
\makebox[0pt]{\includegraphics[width = .5\paperwidth, height=13.9cm]{card.jpg}}
Card Inside
\setmainfont{Ubuntu Light}
{\large{Happy Hacking}}
{\large{From Everyone at 57North Hacklab}}
{\large{Happy Hacking}}
{\large{From Everyone at 57North Hacklab}}
This generates two pdf files, I used pdfjoin to join them together into one file:
pdfjoin inside.pdf outside.pdf -o hackmascard.pdf