Hacktoberfest Pay off
I looked up reverse geocoding with openstreetmap and found a keyless api. Reverse geocoding is the process of turning a location as a latitude and longitude into a place name. This is handy for creating my daily post footer, I want to have a script that will take in a lat/lng pair and output the full location name and weather with a map link.
I can use the kindly provided nominatim reverse geocoding URI and a bit of python. I guess openstreetmap thinks I am in a weird parallel UK that is made up of states, that is easy to deal with thankfully.
base_url = "http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=json&lat={}&lon={}&zoom=18&addressdetails=1"
uri = base_url.format(lat, lng)
fp = urllib.request.urlopen(uri)
response = fp.read()
location = json.loads(response.decode("utf8"))
city = location['address']['city']
country = location['address']['country']
if country == "UK" or country == "US":
country = location['address']['state']
return {'country':country, 'city':city}
I end up with a single script for generating the location/weather block. The script will default my 'work' location or it will try and format a lat/lng out of any arguments passed in.
#!/usr/bin/env python3.5
import forecastio
import pprint
import urllib.request
import json
import sys
api_key = "yer_key_here_bawbag"
lat = 57.168
lng = -2.1055
def forwardweather(lat, lng):
forecast = forecastio.load_forecast(api_key, lat, lng)
weather = forecast.daily().data[0]
temperatureMax = int(weather.apparentTemperatureMax)
temperatureMin = int(weather.apparentTemperatureMin)
summary = weather.summary
return {'temperature':temperatureMax, 'summary':summary}
def reversegeocode(lat, lng):
base_url = "http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=json&lat={}&lon={}&zoom=18&addressdetails=1"
uri = base_url.format(lat, lng)
fp = urllib.request.urlopen(uri)
response = fp.read()
location = json.loads(response.decode("utf8"))
city = location['address']['city']
country = location['address']['country']
if country == "UK" or country == "US":
country = location['address']['state']
return {'country':country, 'city':city}
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
loc = sys.argv[1].split(',')
if len(loc) != 2:
lat = float(loc[0])
lng = float(loc[1])
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
lat = float(sys.argv[1])
lng = float(sys.argv[2])
print("Getting weather for: {}, {}\n\n".format(lat, lng))
weather = forwardweather(lat, lng)
location = reversegeocode(lat, lng)
base_url = "http://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query={}%2C%20{}"
uri = base_url.format(lat, lng)
print("[{}, {}][0]: {}°C, {}".format(location['city'], location['country'],
weather['temperature'], weather['summary']))
print("\n[0]: {}".format(uri))
Reading: Virtual Light