
I was hoping to write the first blog post of this year from the airport, but time conspired against me. With BA moving my flight 24 hours I had to decided between having a quiet New Year and a fun one.

I certainly did not go to 'There is No Party' which was not held somewhere in HH. The music was excellent, the crew that did the lighting and audio did amazing work. It makes me wonder what could happen here if there was space where people could play.

From the party I headed back to the apartment, packed and set off for the airport. I turned a long day with a weird sense of time into an adventure across Hamburg at New Year and through the Airport.

By the time I made Heathrow I was on about 4 hours sleep in a 36 hour window, I opted to nap instead of writing..

It is Sunday, so that makes seven days of writing .

Reading: Nemesis Games