3 Commands to bhyve

Get a vm image and decompress it:

$ fetch http://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/VM-IMAGES/11.0-RELEASE/amd64/Latest/FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64.raw.xz
$ xz -d FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64.raw.xz

3 commands to FreeBSD runningin bhyve on FreeBSD:

# kldload vmm
# ifconfig tap0 create
# sh /usr/share/examples/bhyve/vmrun.sh -c 4 -m 1024M -t tap0 -d FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64.raw test

Of course that misses out loads of stuff, the network won't work for one. Real instructions are in the handbook . Following in Hiren Panchasara's foot steps I am going to use bhyve to test and develop some network modification in FreeBSD.

I might try and automate the deployment a bit, so I can run a single command and have fresh vms on a configured network up and running. I suspect I will have to make some changes that involve rebuilding the whole world tree, if that is the case I will be trying to figure out how to get builds much much faster.

Reading: Gun Machine, The Difference Engine